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Chapter 17 Examples from Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Ed

Examples from other chapters:

Example 17.1 to 17.3: A simple XMLC substitution
This shows a simple hello.html mock-up web page that greets a user by
name and tells her how many messages she has waiting for her. The HTML 4.0-complaint <SPAN> tags surround the text to be replaced.

Example 17.4 and 17.5: A mockup list of languages
This shows how to create a list in XMLC. For each client locale the servlet clones the prototype item, changes the text held by the clone, and inserts the clone to the end of the list. After the while loop the servlet removes the prototype item, leaving the list full of clones containing the actual data.

Example 17.6 to 17.8: A tool application
This example shows how to use XMLC to display a list of the various content creation tools available. This builds on the examples shown in Chapters 14 and 15.


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